We provide

on-site and

off-site solutions


Our planet’s fast diminishing freshwater reserves fuels our mission to critically evaluate all available technology for waste-water treatment.

We partner with cutting edge technology providers to install solutions aimed at every stage of water treatment. From the dirtiest water to mineral extraction, we will provide a bespoke and economical solution that can provide, discharge compliant, re-usable standard or potable treatments for your waste-water.

Some examples of our vetted technologies include:

  • Large solid removal (>1mm particle size)
  • Total Suspended Solid removal (<1mm particle size)
  • COD reduction (charged membrane or digester)
  • Dissolved solids removal (Ceramic, UF, MF, NF membrane technologies)
  • Acid Mine Drainage waste water solutions

Some key features we look for in technologies:

  • Scientifically validated with fully operational systems
  • Small foot-print for easy on-site placement
  • Low OPEX and CAPEX
  • Full spectrum of treatment: discharge grade to potable
  • Available to buy or rent
  • Available to run on-site trial

Furthermore, we offer financier services, allowing our clients CAPEX free payment solutions


GreenMatter offers consultation for both on-site and off-site waste solutions.

Our consultation service centers around optimization of either waste resource recovery or waste disposal.

With a wide range of industry partners, we can offer guidance for all waste types; inorganic to organic, and reusable to non-reusable.

Some of our projects include:

  • Digital optimisation
  • Platform tools and tracking of waste
  • Cheese manufacturers
  • Liquid whey beneficiation
  • Abattoirs
  • Low temperature and low-cost blood processing
  • Low energy fat and protein rendering
  • Food producers
  • By-product processing for value extraction


GreenMatter is a renewable energy implementation partner. Renewable energy projects include solar energy generation, energy storage, and biogas production.

Our services include:

  • Full scope feedstock investigation studies
  • Building bespoke models for customer client energy profiles
  • Independent evaluation of technology solution

Examples of technologies:

Anaerobic digestion

Within biogas, we provide several different services including:

  • Evaluating the project feasibility
  • Implementation of projects from <1MW to 6MW plants. With award winning partners, “Best Biogas plant under 1MW in Europe”.
  • Plant improvements through combining our water and energy storage technology. We fit innovative solutions to existing facilities for dramatic improvements around optimisation of operations and energy value.

Energy storage

We are proud to partner with an innovative alternative energy storage company. Their system provides stable storage of energy up to 25 years and is the best battery-free solution. The solution is a winner of multiple awards and holds international recognition.


Within our solar services, we have energy modelling experts who provide our clients with detailed reports on how to fit the best solution to their project. Our fees are not linked to project size, mitigating any risk of over specifying the solution and taking on unwanted costings. 


We support our partners with feed-stock procurement, project feasibility analysis and bio-diesel sale support. The decentralised model of bio-fuel supply is important as this optimises waste value and mitigates environmental harm.

Have any questions?

Please, get in touch

We are always excited to engage with our stakeholder community.